If you follow me on Instagram, then you know we just got back from our yearly beach trip to Hilton Head Island.  My mom has a condo there, and we are so grateful to get to go there. We love the island...and even better, so do our boys! What made this year great was the fact that Tyler and I were able to relax more than we have the last few years there. Both of our boys are beginning to understand safety more and actually follow the rules we set for them.  For example, if we weren't in the water with the kids they weren't allowed to go in with the water above their knees. Don't worry, 90% of the time one of us was with them in the water, but it was nice to not feel panicked at the idea of them being in the water without us.  I finally can see how relaxing the beach can be again.  The past few years had been so stressful and worrisome, but I was able to see the light a little more this year and it was great!

My mom snapped up some family photos for us while there.  She did an amazing job!  Unfortunately, as is the case all the time, Jude did not cooperate...but whatever, I still love the photos.

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